History Department Clusters
Cultural and Intellectual History S1HIS009
The perspectives, methods, and findings of cultural and intellectual history.
Fulfills the Social Sciences area of the Rochester Curriculum.
Expired in the term.
Choose two or three of the following
The History Of The USSR And Post-Soviet Russia: Revolution, Society And The State, 1917-2014
Valid Starting Fall 2014
1492 And Beyond: Identity, Culture And Society In Colonial Latin America
Valid Starting Fall 2014
Crosslisted as CLTR246C, HIST255, HIST255W, SPAN255.
Real Existing Socialism: Socialist Societies In 19Th And 20TH Century Europe
Valid Starting Fall 2014
Racial Democracies: Mexico Vs. Brazil
Valid Starting Fall 2018
Crosslisted as AAAS353, HIST352W, HIST452.
Apocalypse Now . . . And Then: A History Of Apocalyptic Thought
Valid Starting Fall 2014
Crosslisted as HIST382W, HIST482.