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Economics Department Clusters

Macroeconomics S1ECO007

Provides students with fundamental analytic tools of the economist with application to macroeconomics.

Fulfills the Social Sciences area of the Rochester Curriculum. Declare This Cluster
Expired in the term.

Provides students with fundamental analytic tools of the economist with application to macroeconomics.

Fulfills the Social Sciences area of the Rochester Curriculum.
Expired in the term.

Required (see note below)
ECON108 Principles Of Economics
Required (see note below)
ECON108 Principles Of Economics
Note: Students who have received credit for ECO 108 (through AP credit, transfer credit, or through the Department of Economics) may request a Cluster Exception to take three courses from the approved list below.
Note: Students who have received credit for ECO 108 (through AP credit, transfer credit, or through the Department of Economics) may request a Cluster Exception to take three courses from the approved list below.
Choose one of the following
ECON211 Money Credit & Banking
ECON233 Applied Econometrics
ECON268 Economics Of Globalization
Crosslisted as ECON268, ECON268W.
ECON269 International Economics
ECON270 International Macroeconomics
ECON273 Economics Growth & Development
Choose one of the following
ECON211 Money Credit & Banking
ECON233 Applied Econometrics
ECON268 Economics Of Globalization
Crosslisted as ECON268, ECON268W.
ECON269 International Economics
ECON270 International Macroeconomics
ECON273 Economics Growth & Development
ECON209 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON209 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Note: Courses with "W" attached to them can be substituted for those without "W's"
Note: Courses with "W" attached to them can be substituted for those without "W's"
Note: Students must meet prerequisites to meet the requirements of any given course.
Note: Students must meet prerequisites to meet the requirements of any given course.