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Modern Languages and Cultures Department Clusters

Literature and Identity in Hispanic Societies H1SP001

An exploration of questions of identity including issues of class, race, nation, gender, and genre, through a variety of literary texts from Spain and Latin America. One course may be taken in English.

Fulfills the Humanities area of the Rochester Curriculum. Declare This Cluster
Expired in the term.

An exploration of questions of identity including issues of class, race, nation, gender, and genre, through a variety of literary texts from Spain and Latin America. One course may be taken in English.

Fulfills the Humanities area of the Rochester Curriculum.
Expired in the term.

Choose three of the following
SPAN200 Advanced Spanish Compostition
SPAN202 The Forging Of A Nation
SPAN203 Origins & Empire:Reading The Early Hispanic World
SPAN204 Coming To Terms: Sp-American Lit From Tradition To Innovation
SPAN205 Spain: Past, Present And Future
Valid Starting Spring 2013
SPAN206 The Invention Of Spanish America
SPAN207 Spanish Studies Abroad
SPAN215 Don Quixote: The Book The Myth The Image
SPAN218 Saints, Sinners, Sovereigns In Medieval/Early Modern Spain
Valid Starting Fall 2015
SPAN249 Topics In Spanish Literature And Culture
SPAN249D Topics In Spanish Literature And Culture
Crosslisted as SPAN249D, SPAN449D.
SPAN249E Topics In Spanish Literature And Culture
SPAN260 (Re)Writing Gender In Spanish-American Literature
SPAN262 Topics In Spanish-American Lit And Culture
SPAN270 Hispanic Short Story
SPAN272 Postcards From Spain
Valid Starting Fall 2012
SPAN277 Mexico, Df:Global Metropolis
Valid Starting Spring 2015
SPAN282 Us Latinos/latinas
Choose three of the following
SPAN200 Advanced Spanish Compostition
SPAN202 The Forging Of A Nation
SPAN203 Origins & Empire:Reading The Early Hispanic World
SPAN204 Coming To Terms: Sp-American Lit From Tradition To Innovation
SPAN205 Spain: Past, Present And Future
Valid Starting Spring 2013
SPAN206 The Invention Of Spanish America
SPAN207 Spanish Studies Abroad
SPAN215 Don Quixote: The Book The Myth The Image
SPAN218 Saints, Sinners, Sovereigns In Medieval/Early Modern Spain
Valid Starting Fall 2015
SPAN249 Topics In Spanish Literature And Culture
SPAN249D Topics In Spanish Literature And Culture
Crosslisted as SPAN249D, SPAN449D.
SPAN249E Topics In Spanish Literature And Culture
SPAN260 (Re)Writing Gender In Spanish-American Literature
SPAN262 Topics In Spanish-American Lit And Culture
SPAN270 Hispanic Short Story
SPAN272 Postcards From Spain
Valid Starting Fall 2012
SPAN277 Mexico, Df:Global Metropolis
Valid Starting Spring 2015
SPAN282 Us Latinos/latinas