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Modern Languages and Cultures Department Clusters

Introduction to European Studies H1MLC001

An exploration of Europe as a newly unified continent, combined with an emphasis on one or more of the still strong European national cultures.

Fulfills the Humanities area of the Rochester Curriculum. Declare This Cluster
Expired in the term.

An exploration of Europe as a newly unified continent, combined with an emphasis on one or more of the still strong European national cultures.

Fulfills the Humanities area of the Rochester Curriculum.
Expired in the term.

CLTR160 The New Europe: Formations And Transformations
Crosslisted as CLTR160, FREN160, GRMN160, ITAL160, RSST160, RUSS160.
CLTR160 The New Europe: Formations And Transformations
Crosslisted as CLTR160, FREN160, GRMN160, ITAL160, RSST160, RUSS160.
Choose one or two of the following
FREN155 French Conversation And Composition
FREN157 French In France/Summer
FREN204 Contemporary French Culture
FREN207 French In France/Summer
FREN281 History Of French Cinema
FREN283 Contemporary French Film
GRMN157 German In Germany/Summer
GRMN202 Introduction To German Studies
GRMN204 Marx & Marxism
GRMN205 Nietzsche And The Nietzscheans
ITAL157 Italian In Italy/Summer
ITAL228 Modern Italy
ITAL276 In Arezzo - Italy
RUSS128 Russian Civilization
RUSS157 Russian In Russia/Summer
RUSS207 Russian In Russia/Summer
RUSS265 Russian Literature Between The Revolutions
RUSS267 Russia Goes To The Movies
SPAN202 Introduction To Modern Spanish Literature
SPAN205 Spanish Culture
SPAN272 Vision Of The Millennium
SPAN288 Spanish Film
Choose one or two of the following
FREN155 French Conversation And Composition
FREN157 French In France/Summer
FREN204 Contemporary French Culture
FREN207 French In France/Summer
FREN281 History Of French Cinema
FREN283 Contemporary French Film
GRMN157 German In Germany/Summer
GRMN202 Introduction To German Studies
GRMN204 Marx & Marxism
GRMN205 Nietzsche And The Nietzscheans
ITAL157 Italian In Italy/Summer
ITAL228 Modern Italy
ITAL276 In Arezzo - Italy
RUSS128 Russian Civilization
RUSS157 Russian In Russia/Summer
RUSS207 Russian In Russia/Summer
RUSS265 Russian Literature Between The Revolutions
RUSS267 Russia Goes To The Movies
SPAN202 Introduction To Modern Spanish Literature
SPAN205 Spanish Culture
SPAN272 Vision Of The Millennium
SPAN288 Spanish Film
Or choose one or two of the following for a total of 4 credits
CLTR161 Europe Today - 2 Credits
RSST126 Russia Now - 4 Credits
Crosslisted as HIST134, RSST126, RUSS126.
RSST127 Russia Now - 2 Credits
Crosslisted as RSST127, RUSS127.
Or choose one or two of the following for a total of 4 credits
CLTR161 Europe Today - 2 Credits
RSST126 Russia Now - 4 Credits
Crosslisted as HIST134, RSST126, RUSS126.
RSST127 Russia Now - 2 Credits
Crosslisted as RSST127, RUSS127.