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Interdeparmental Department Clusters

Dante H1INT003

This cluster is designed for students who wish to approach the Divine Comedy from an interdisciplinary perspective and who are interested in exploring the literary, historical, philosophical, religious, and artistic aspects of Medieval western tradition.

Fulfills the Humanities area of the Rochester Curriculum. Declare This Cluster
Expired in the term.

This cluster is designed for students who wish to approach the Divine Comedy from an interdisciplinary perspective and who are interested in exploring the literary, historical, philosophical, religious, and artistic aspects of Medieval western tradition.

Fulfills the Humanities area of the Rochester Curriculum.
Expired in the term.

Choose one of the following
ITAL195 Dante's Divine Comedy I
Crosslisted as AHST195, CLTR116, CLTR253C, ENGL206, HIST135, ITAL195, ITAL220, RELC197, RELC285.
ITAL197 Divine Comedy Of Dante Alighieri
Valid Starting Fall 2009
Choose one of the following
ITAL195 Dante's Divine Comedy I
Crosslisted as AHST195, CLTR116, CLTR253C, ENGL206, HIST135, ITAL195, ITAL220, RELC197, RELC285.
ITAL197 Divine Comedy Of Dante Alighieri
Valid Starting Fall 2009
Choose one of the following
ITAL196 Dante's Divine Comedy II
ITAL245 Dante: A Multi Media Lab
Valid Starting Spring 2012
Choose one of the following
ITAL196 Dante's Divine Comedy II
ITAL245 Dante: A Multi Media Lab
Valid Starting Spring 2012
Choose one of the following
ENGL112 Classicl & Scripturl Bkgrnds
ENGL202 The Rewritable Beowulf
ENGL206 Studies In Medieval Literature
Crosslisted as ENGL206, ENGL406.
HIST101 Ancient World
HIST103 The West And The World Since 1492
PHIL201 Histry Of Ancient Philosophy
Crosslisted as CLST203, PHIL201.
RELC101 Intro To The Old Testament
Crosslisted as JWST106, RELC101.
RELC102 Intro To The New Testament
RELC104 History Of Christianity
RELC224 Augustine Anselm & Aquinas
Choose one of the following
ENGL112 Classicl & Scripturl Bkgrnds
ENGL202 The Rewritable Beowulf
ENGL206 Studies In Medieval Literature
Crosslisted as ENGL206, ENGL406.
HIST101 Ancient World
HIST103 The West And The World Since 1492
PHIL201 Histry Of Ancient Philosophy
Crosslisted as CLST203, PHIL201.
RELC101 Intro To The Old Testament
Crosslisted as JWST106, RELC101.
RELC102 Intro To The New Testament
RELC104 History Of Christianity
RELC224 Augustine Anselm & Aquinas